Welcome into my office! With the purchase of our new home also came more space where I could create an office. I feel soo blessed to now have this sanctuary to work, be creative and call my own. When I'm not on site at a project working with my clients this is where I'll be drafting lighting plans, curating furniture options, space planning kitchens and more.

Being a designer requires a lot of creative thinking and so it's important to me that I surround myself with things to fuel that creativity. There are a few pieces that stand out to me that I'll share with you!
First of all, this bold red, green and gold tapestry of sorts is a treasure I found in Chiang Mai, Thailand at a local market. There in the mountains of Northern Thailand they sold bags of all sizes with intricate stitching in South East Asian patterns. This was laying on the table preparing to be made into a bag when I saw it. I didn't have a place for it in mind but I knew it was something special and they sold it to me as is! Now it lives in my office and I love it there. It's been proven that surrounding yourself with color boosts your creativity and so it's right at home in this space.

During our last trip to Thailand we were able to stop in Seoul, Korea for a long layover. If you didn't know this already, the airport in Seoul is one of the highest rated airports in the entire world! On top of it being an incredible space they also give the incredible opportunity to experience the city while there for just the cost of your meal. At the time that was only $10. They bussed us into the city an hour away, took us to an ancient palace in the middle of the modern city, to a restaurant for an authentic meal and then

to this incredible street for shopping. It was there while we shopped that I found an artist selling inked prints. At first, they were asking what I thought was too much so we kept looking at other stores then I couldn't get it out of my mind so we went back. They gave us a great deal on this print after some negotiating and I carried it with me rolled up in a scroll to Thailand and back home to the US.
It's a beautiful landscape scene I'll cherish forever.
Finally, in this vignette is an open book that has been a tremendous source of inspiration for me as a designer over the years. It's called "Home By Design" by Sarah Susanka.
There's a link for you to get your own copy HERE
Sarah is an incredible architect who also authored the "Not So Big House" and other books. In it she explains so many essential elements to creating a home that feels GOOD. I use the principles she shares constantly in the work I do now. I had the privilege of meeting her and eating dinner with her years ago and I love what she wrote to me in the front of this book.
"To Hillaree - Follow your heart, speak what you know & don't be afraid of living up to your full potential! All the best, Sarah Susanka
What an inspiration she has been in my career and my life. Thank you Sarah! Now, here in this blog and and being an interior designer I hope to do just that, follow my heart, speak what I know and live up to my full potential! Thank you for listening.
That brings me to another wall in my office, what I'll call my mood / inspiration board. In the future this will be filled with finishes, inspiration images and furniture selections for client projects but for now I put together a collection of some of my favorite samples. From modern to traditional, bright to moody, textured to smooth, organic to geometric these all embody a different feeling and experience. Depending on the day certain pieces stand out and capture my eye and I find myself deep in thought. That's when they spark new inspiration and ideas. That's exactly what I need when I'm in the midst of creating and designing beautiful homes. That's how new ideas are born for me and some of my best work comes to life.
If you're a designer or contractor and need a great source for samples I recommend,
Material Bank! They are an incredible source I use on every project for paint, wood, fixture and fabric samples. Their 8x10 overnight paint samples from Sherwin Williams and Benjamin Moore have been a lifesaver to help in the selection process many times over and they're free!
For all those design professionals out there, here's a LINK to their website!

This art, the "World's Fair - Chicago 1833 - 1933 - A Century of Progress" is also an incredible vintage piece I acquired from a charitable yard sale while living in Salt Lake City, Utah. My dear friend was collecting funds for a school group in Asia I believe and selling pieces from her home. When I saw this I knew I wanted it and I've loved it since! I love her outstretched arms that seem to say, "Be Confident & Seize the Day!". Now she welcomes me into my office with open arms of encouragement.

I'm excited to finally have a sanctuary of my own where I can work to create beauty for so many incredible clients. If you're starting a project of your own be sure to reach out to me for a design consultation to jump start the process for you!
Looks like the perfect workspace. Perfect for dreaming up ideas and designing amazing spaces! Now we all know HillareeHowardDesign’s secret: Hill’s workspace! Thanks so much for sharing!
with love, Kierra Quinton